
The wind is strong. Definitely contrary to a good hair day. It had rained all night, but cleared by morning. The only remnant of the stormy weather is this darn wind. The sky is light blue and full of sunlight, with the odd cloud soaring past. And, the ocean moves with a million white caps.

It’s Monday, so no pleasure boats dot the harbor. Just the regular flights of the sea planes and the ferry coming and going. Everyone is back at work. School has begun its new year. I can hear the children on their way home from the school in the neighborhood.

I’m sitting quietly at my computer putting down my thoughts for others to share. I usually write poetry, so this is a rather difficult exercise. But, it’s good to try new things and reach outside our comfort zone, at least once in a while. I’ll keep this short, because I’ve run out of ideas. Maybe next time I will find more to say.

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